Interface segregation

The forgotten i in SOLID


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Maintainer of Imagick and Gmagick extensions.

Closure from callable for PHP 7.1
Consistent Callables for PHP 8.0
Constructor behaviour of internal classes passed PHP 7.0

Auryn - the best D.I. library
Tier - D.I. based framework
Jig - D.I. based templating

What is interface segregation?

“many client-specific interfaces are better than one general-purpose interface.”
  • Easier to test
  • Makes you more productive…
  • …after doing some setup work
  • More reasonable code
Reasonable   Understandable
Obvious from reading the code Documentation / colleague can explain how it works

class MySQLi {
  function __construct($host, $username, $password,
        $dbname, $port) {...}

class S3Client { 
    public function factory(array $config) {}

Reasonable   Understandable
Errors happen at boundaries of execution Errors can happen during middle of execution

  //oops - forget to set password and dbname
  $db = new MySQLi('localhost', 'db_user');

  $config['passwrod'] = '12345';

Reasonable   Understandable
Simpler parts, more of them Fewer parts, but more complex code

use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface 
      as Request;
class SearchController
    function search(Request $request, ...)

interface ServerRequestInterface extends RequestInterface
    public function getServerParams();
    public function getCookieParams();
    public function withCookieParams(array $cookies);
    public function getQueryParams();
    public function withQueryParams(array $query);
    public function getUploadedFiles();
    public function withUploadedFiles(array $uploadedFiles);
    public function getParsedBody();
    public function withParsedBody($data);
    public function getAttributes();
    public function getAttribute($name, $default = null);
    public function withAttribute($name, $value);
    public function withoutAttribute($name);

interface RequestInterface extends MessageInterface
    public function getRequestTarget();
    public function withRequestTarget($requestTarget);
    public function getMethod();
    public function withMethod($method);
    public function getUri();
    public function withUri(UriInterface $uri, 
        $preserveHost = false);

interface MessageInterface
    public function getProtocolVersion();
    public function withProtocolVersion($version);
    public function getHeaders();
    public function hasHeader($name);
    public function getHeader($name);
    public function getHeaderLine($name);
    public function withHeader($name, $value);
    public function withAddedHeader($name, $value);
    public function withoutHeader($name);
    public function getBody();
    public function withBody(StreamInterface $body);

Creating a mock ...?

function testSearchController()
    $request = \Mockery::mock(Request::class)

class SearchController
   function search(Request $request, DataSource $dataSource) 
      $queryParams = $request->getQueryParams();
      if (!array_key_exists('searchTerms', $queryParams)) {
         throw new ParamsMissingException("...");
      $searchTerms = $queryParams['searchTerms'];

      $searchOptions = [];
      $searchOptions['keywords'] = explode(',', $searchTerms);
      return $dataSource->searchForItems($searchOptions);

  $queryParams = $request->getQueryParams();
  if (!array_key_exists('searchTerms', $queryParams)) {
     throw new ParamsMissingException("...");
  $searchTerms = $queryParams['searchTerms'];

Extracting a type

interface VariableMap
     * @throws ParamMissingException
    public function getVariable(string $variableName) : string;

    class PSR7VariableMap implements VariableMap {
    /** @var ServerRequestInterface */
    private $serverRequest;

    public function __construct(ServerRequestInterface $serverRequest) {
        $this->serverRequest = $serverRequest;

    public function getVariable(string $variableName) : string {
        $queryParams = $this->serverRequest->getQueryParams();
        if (array_key_exists($variableName, $queryParams) === false) {
            $message = "Parameter [$variableName] is not available";
            throw new ParamMissingException($message);

        return $queryParams[$variableName];

Controller is now simpler, and more reasonable

class SearchController
   function search(VariableMap $variableMap, DataSource $dataSource)
       $searchTerms = $variableMap->getVariable('searchTerms');
       $searchOptions = [];
       $searchOptions['keywords'] = explode(',', $searchTerms);

       return $dataSource->searchForItems($searchOptions);

I hate strongly dislike mocks

  • Mocks should only be used when you have to test behaviour
  • Stubs/fakes are much easier to use
  • Stubs/fakes suffer from poor marketing...

Other implementations are equally valid

class ArrayVariableMap implements VariableMap {
  public function __construct(array $variables) {
    $this->variables = $variables;

  public function getVariable(string $variableName) : string {
    if (!array_key_exists($variableName, $this->variables)) {
        $message = "Parameter [$variableName] is not available";
        throw new ParamMissingException($message);

    return $this->variables[$variableName];

Testing this controller, success case

  function testSearchControllerWorks()
    $varMap = new ArrayVariableMap(
        ['searchTerms' => 'foo,bar']
    // EchoDataSource just returns the keywords searched
    $dataSource = new EchoDataSource(); 

    $controller = new SearchController();
    $result = $controller->search($varMap, $dataSource);
    $this->assertEquals(['foo', 'bar'], $result);

Testing this controller, error case

function testSearchControllerException()
    $varMap = new ArrayVariableMap([]);
    $dataSource = new EchoDataSource();

    $controller = new SearchController();
    $controller->search($varMap, $dataSource);

Benefits review

  • Controller re-usable with different HTTP library
  • Actually no longer tied to HTTP request.
    Can be used by CLI scripts
  • Tests easier to write, as can use array implementation
  • Tests run faster
  • Tests are easier to reason about

Testing code

  • J.B. Rainsberger - Integrated Tests Are A Scam
  • Unit tests aren't what you think they are either
Front controller / dispatcher SearchController::search DataSource::searchForItems
Front controller / dispatcher interface Request { } getServerParams() getCookieParams() withCookieParams(...) getQueryParams() getUri() withQueryParams(...) getUploadedFiles() withUploadedFiles(...) getParsedBody() getHeaders() withParsedBody(...) getAttributes() getAttribute(...) withAttribute(...) withoutAttribute(...) getRequestTarget() withRequestTarget(...) getMethod() withMethod(...) getBody() withUri(...) getProtocolVersion() withProtocolVersion(...) withHeader(...) withoutHeader(...) withAddedHeader(...) hasHeader(...) getHeader(...) getHeaderLine(...) withBody(...) interface VariableMap { function getVariable($variableName); } SearchController::search DataSource::searchForItems

What is interface segregation type specialization?

“many client-specific interfaces types are better than one general-purpose interface type.”

class SearchController
  function search(DataSource $dataSource, VariableMap $variableMap)
    $searchTerms = $variableMap->getVariable('searchTerms');
    $searchOptions = [];
    $searchOptions['keywords'] = explode(',', $searchTerms);
    $searchOptions['limite'] = 50; // LIMIT added
    return $dataSource->searchForItems($searchOptions);

Extracting a type

class SearchOptions
    public $keywords;
    public $limit;

    public function __construct(array $keywords, int $limit = 1000)
        //@TODO - check $keywords are all strings
        $this->keywords = $keywords;
        $this->limit = $limit;

class SearchController
    function search(VariableMap $variableMap, DataSource $dataSource)
        $searchTermsString = $variableMap->getVariable('searchTerms');
        $searchTermsArray = explode(',', $searchTermsString);
        $searchOptions = new SearchOptions($searchTermsArray, 50);

        return $dataSource->searchForItems($searchOptions);

Use semantically meaningful types

function writeTempFile(string $tmpPath) {
    file_put_contents($tmpPath.'/foo.txt', $data);
function writeImageTempFile(string $tmpPath) {
    file_put_contents($tmpPath.'/foo.png', $imageData);

class TmpPath
    private $path;

    public function __construct(string $tmpPath)
        $this->path = $tmpPath;

    public function getPath()
        return $this->path;

Use semantically meaningful types

function writeTempFile(TmpPath $tmpPath)
    file_put_contents($tmpPath->getPath().'/foo.txt', $data);

function writeImageTempFile(ImageTmpPath $tmpPath)
    file_put_contents($tmpPath->getPath().'/foo.png', $imageData);

Psychological aspects of programming

The chase for Endorphins


How does this code make you feel?

class ArrayVariableMap implements VariableMap
    public function __construct(array $variables)
        $this->variables = $variables;

    public function getVariable(string $variableName) : string
        if (array_key_exists($variableName, $this->variables) === false) {
            $message = "Parameter [$variableName] is not available";
            throw new ParamMissingException($message);

        return $this->variables[$variableName];

Terminology sculpts cognition

“The purpose of abstracting is not to be vague, but to create a new semantic level in which one can be absolutely precise. The intellectual effort needed to ... understand a program need not grow more than proportional to program length.” - Edsger W. Dijkstra

a.k.a. think of your code being better because it is simpler rather than being boring.

Coping with many more components

  • Dependency injector container to the rescue.
  • Solves explosion of dependencies - each dependency only has to be setup once.
  • You focus on writing code that consumes dependencies.
  • Use rdlowrey/auryn it's great! Or use php-di/php-di it's kind of ok.

Injector runs code for you

    $foo = new Foo();

Dependencies built recursively

class Zot {
    function __construct(Fot $fot) { ... }
    function bar() {...}
class Fot {
    function __construct(Pik $pik) { ... }

class Pik {
    function __construct() { ... }

Aliasing a type to an implementation

function foo(DataSource $dataSource) {
    return $dataSource->search('bar');

$injector->alias('DataSource', 'EchoDataSource');
$result = $injector->execute('foo'); 


Sharing aka singleton

  class Foo {
      public function bar(TmpPath $tmpPath) {

  $injector->share(new TmpPath(__DIR__.'/var/temp'));  

function testSearchControllerWorks()
    $varMap = new ArrayVariableMap(['searchTerms' => 'foo,bar']);

    $injector->alias('VariableMap', 'ArrayVariableMap');

    $injector->alias('DataSource', 'EchoDataSource');
    $injector->share(new EchoDataSource);

    $result = $injector->execute('SearchController::search');
    $this->assertEquals(['foo', 'bar'], $result);


Delegation is key


function createESCredentials() {
    $username = getenv('elasticsearch_username');
    $password = getenv('elasticsearch_password');

    return new ESCredentials($username, $password);

$injector->delegate('ESCredentials', 'createESCredentials');
  class ElasticSearchDataSource implements DataSource {
  public function __construct(ElasticSearchClient $esClient) {

class ElasticSearchClient {
    public function __construct(ESCredentials $credentials) {
class ESCredentials {
    public function __construct($username, $password) {
  $injector->alias('DataSource', 'ElasticSearchDataSource');
  // This needs a data-source
  • Not as scary as it might seem at first.
  • In practice you get used to it really quickly.
  • I find it to be such a productivity gain, that it's worth doing - for tests if nothing else.


  • Use interfaces/classes with only the required methods
  • Use semantically meaningful types
  • If your code is boring, you're doing good
  • Use Auryn to do the boring wiring up
  • Questions?

Using this stuff in production?

Tier - app 'framework' based around DI

'Framework' -

Example app -

When people give talks on the "S.O.L.I.D." design principles one of the letters that doesn't get enough attention is the "i" - the "interface segregation principle". This talk seeks to redress that imbalance by going into a bit more in-depth into:

  • An introduction to interface segregation and an explanation of how it make your code easier to test.
  • Why in PHP we need to apply the principle more broadly, to make types be more specific, so that code is more reasonable.
  • Me babbling on about emotions, and how good code is boring. Which is good!
“For years there has been a theory that millions of monkeys typing at random on millions of typewriters would reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare. The Internet has proven this theory to be untrue.”